IHTK - Cruelty-Free Cosmetics

IHTK Certified Cruelty-Free Cosmetics

AGAINST ANIMAL TESTING in cosmetics eV (IHTK) is an internationally registered trademark and stands for cruelty-free cosmetics since 1979, with its focus on natural cosmetics, decorative cosmetics, detergents and cleaners. These are inspected according to the strict guidelines of the German Animal Welfare Federation. The label is awarded by the International Manufacturers Association eV against animal testing in cosmetics. The manufacturer of products with this trademark meet the guidelines of the German Animal Welfare Association in its entirety. The trademark marks cosmetic products that have been developed and manufactured without animal testing. The companies are repeatedly and independently verified by the German Animal Welfare Association. Violations are punishable through heavy fines.

The certified products must guarantee that:

  • no animal testing was carried out during the development and production of the finished products,
  • no raw materials are processed, which were included in animal testing studies after 01.01.1979,
  • no raw materials used, which have been obtained through torturing or killing of animals (eg mink oil, spermaceti, civet, turtle oil, silk). Excluded are commodities regarding live animals, such as beeswax, honey, dairy products or wool fat,
  • no economic dependence on other companies that perform tests on animals.

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